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Tactical Communications

Your IT exposure*

Please select the field below which best describes you.

What is Tactical Communication?*

Tactical Communication is described as the use of language to obtain specific tactical results.

For this project I am investigating the opinions’ and practicalities of using tactical communication to achieve a level of security around verbal communication within a corporate environment. Specifically, I am focussing on applying tactical communications to a project that requires a high level of secrecy.

The methods I would consider comprise of a number techniques such as word substitution (e.g. 'The eagle has landed) and what I call 'context shifting', whereby a discussion may appear to outsiders as being about the weather, when it is in actuality a discussion regarding the financial situation of a project.

This survey is intended to determine the level of 'cold' understanding in a group of IT professionals. By this I mean that I am looking for evidence that such a methodology or the need for it has already been considered by the IT community and then to obtain opinions and details as to the extent of any pre-existing considerations. For this purpose I have kept the definition above to its most basic form. This will assist me in determining which areas of education in training are most important and to what extent this method may already be decried.

The first question is a request for your own definition of Tactical Communications specific to this environment, (please do not provide an opinion on its value as that is a later question). These answers will provide me with evidence as to the effectiveness of my definition above and also provide me with aspects to look into that I may not have already considered.


The most focussed attack that TactComm could be used to defend against is known as social engineering, whereby an attacker uses language and behavioural cues to manipulate the victim into disclosing sensitive information.

A simple and perhaps the most common example is for an attacker to call a company claiming to be an internal technician. By way of confidence and only a few previously obtained company details the attacker may manipulate the victim into disclosing a variety of details about the company.

Please outline any experiences you know of where someone has tried to obtain secure information from you through a seemingly innocent conversation.

Opinion of Tactical Communication*

Please outline your opinion or perception as to the potential value of Tactical Communication within an enterprise environment.

If you would like to help further

I am currently looking for the following people for a brief interview (approx 20 minutes): Information Security Officer, Corporate Trainer, Military Radio Operator or Social Intrusion Specialist.

If you are interested and willing to participate in an interview please advise me of your email address below.